ThermoNED Symposium VU Amsterdam 2023


Another update from the back of the classroom 🙂

The annual ThermoNED° symposium took place at the VU on Friday the 12th of May. As usual it was a great day to hear about the latest studies, results and plans. Kudos to all speakers!
I met the smartest people, discussed great topics and ate the tastiest sandwiches 🙂

Another day to remember and share with you.

Special thanks to Ashis Brahma, MD for his 10 minute talk on Q-Strip & night sweats from a forensic medical point of view and of course all the folks at the organization behind ThermoNED° who made this day possible!


#health #kudos #Qstrip #science #symposium2023 #iot #medical #invention #biomarker #nightsweats #classroom #research #people #thermoNED #sleepscience #quality #arduino #opensource #greatday #share